Sarah Radford - Personal Life Coach


After the end of my eleven year marriage, I was completely lost. Over that time I had forgotten who I was. I had given myself to being exclusively a wife and mother and had no idea how to go about finding myself again. The next few years after that, I went about trying to discover who I was in a very self destructive and unhealthy way. Needless to say, I found nothing except more heartache and began to even feel worse about myself.

Then one day, I just couldn’t do it any more!

I realised that if I was ever going to be truly happy again, I had to stop looking for things to fulfil me from an external source. It was time to take a good hard look at myself. Who was I? What did I want for myself in the next chapter of my life? What sort of role model did I want to be for my children? How did I want the rest of my story to be written?

So began my own journey of self discovery and transformation which in 2010 lead me to the path of self development and eventually to studying personal life coaching. Through education, self discovery, tough love, determination, and a few stumbles along the way, I did it. I found me again!

It was the best gift I could have ever given myself. So much so that now it is a gift that I give to others. I believe wholeheartedly that we all deserve to truly know ourselves profoundly.

Whether you are starting over again, rewriting chapters of your life or feeling completely lost and looking for direction, believe me when I say it can be done and know that I am here to go on that journey with you. With my qualifications as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Advanced Matrix Therapies, Conscious Hypnosis and more, I will be with you step by step and help you create the life you desire.
